Every girl should live free from fear

Help sponsor 1,000 girls by March 31 in honour of International Women’s Day.

Why sponsor a girl?

Sponsorship benefits your sponsored child and four other children in her community. In fact, sponsorship helps girls finish school, avoid early marriage and gain financial independence.

Our vision of the world

No child should ever be burdened by lack of daily essentials, such as clean water, food, education and safety. We work with communities, supporters and partners to ensure people have what they need to survive. Because tackling the world's challenges is what we do.

Air balloon with a cross on it.

Disaster relief

First to arrive and last to leave when emergency strikes.


Icon with heart shape over palm of  hand symbolizing support.


people with the skills and resources they need for independence.


Icon of gramophone symbolizing advocacy.


Influencing policy and systems with national and international governments.


Latest stories

Explore stories of impact from the children and communities we serve.

This is how your donations are used

Your money goes towards people who need it most.

Field programs and advocacy

Helps raise more resources

Vital support and accountability

This chart is based on a five-year average of World Vision Canada's annual statement of total expenditures. Read the 2023 Annual Results Report p. 111

Help us fuel childhoods

Your support can make a world of difference for a child affected by hunger. Here’s how our supporters and partners like the World Food Programme helped nourish children and communities during a global hunger crisis:

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9,124,497 people were reached with urgently needed food.

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945,280 children received food through school feedings, including hot meals and/or dry rations.

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576,430 children recovered from severe acute malnutrition after going through treatment.

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