World Vision staff gives mother holding her child packages of ready-to-use therapeutic food at a nutrition center.


Since 1993, World Vision has responded to a humanitarian crisis induced by conflict and climate. Somalia has faced consecutive seasons of failed rains, leaving a devastating impact on poor, rural families. Our programs focus on food security, livelihoods, water and sanitation, health and nutrition.

Impact highlights

Short goal


ready-to-use therapeutic food packets were distributed to malnourished children.

We work with the World Food Programme to deliver urgently needed food in Somalia. 

Spotlight: Meet Nour

A true tale of a courageous single mother beating all odds to give her five children a better future in Somalia.

Nour sits with her daughter as she practices reading in Dollow, Somalia.

The challenge

Faced with a devastating drought that wiped out her livestock and threatened their very survival, Nour made a courageous decision that would change their lives forever.

The single mother of five, left behind the arid land of Toosiley district and embarked on a risky journey to Dollow, a place that symbolized hope.

Their last remaining donkey, provided by compassionate neighbours, carried her disabled son and their few remaining possessions, while the rest of the family walked alongside.

The road to Dollow was filled with uncertainty, but Nour's unwavering determination kept them moving forward.

Upon arriving in Dollow, the family was greeted with open arms by a community that understood their struggles all too well. Dollow was a place of sanctuary, offering not just humanitarian aid but also a sense of security and belonging. 

The solution

Nour's lifeline was the World Food Programme's cash assistance program, implemented by World Vision which provided her with a scope card. This card, which included dry and complementary food, sustained her family for months.

With World Vision’s support, she was able to send her daughter to school, recognizing the importance of education as a means to break free from poverty. Her son, who required constant care, found solace in her presence while his sister attended school.

“I currently have a scope card that has lasted for four months. The card is very important it is helping us rebuild our lives. With the card I have enough food for my children.”

The impact

Scope cards give parents a dignified way to provide for their children, allowing them to make financial decisions and purchases based on their immediate household needs. Programs that empower families to buy from and trade with local vendors using cash transfers, scope cards and vouchers help lift and stimulate the economy, ensuring that the entire community benefits. When parents become economically self-reliant, they’ll be on track for a more sustainable future. 

The Global Hunger Response

Conflict and climate change are making it harder for families in Somalia to get sufficient food or find stable livelihoods to support themselves. World Vision is scaling up our work to:

  • Deliver urgently needed food
  • Provide clean water
  • Ensure access to nutrition and health services

Our overall impact in Somalia

A map of Somalia showing several locations where World Vision made an impact. © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map

A 360° experience

A doctor walks through a health facility in Baidoa, Somalia.

Experience an immersive tour of a health facility in Baidoa, Somalia. 

The health facility is part of an initiative called REACTS-IN (Realizing Gender Equality, Attitudinal Change and Transformative Systems in Nutrition) that aims to improve nutrition and gender equality for marginalized women, adolescent girls and children under the age of five.


children  received deworming treatment.


people benefited from cash transfers to meet their immediate needs. 


students received school resources like books, backpacks and bikes.

Our programs in Somalia