Two students are smiling at each other while sitting at a desk inside a classroom.


In Kenya, we prioritize the protection and welfare of children in all aspects of our work. Thanks to our supporters, we’ve helped families gain economic empowerment and resilience, ensured that children have access to quality education and know their rights, and improved child and maternal health. Let’s continue to support their progress.

Impact highlights

Short goal


Girls, boys and adults reached through our programs in Kenya in 2023.

World Vision’s 11 programs have transformed communities across 37 counties.

Our partnership with the World Food Programme

The challenge

The country’s worst drought in decades has dried up over 90 per cent of Kenya’s open water sources, affecting nearly 3.5 million people. With water levels at an all-time low, Kenya’s devastated agricultural sector has led to children being at the most risk for stunting, and even death, due to malnutrition. 

The solution

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide. World Vision is proud to be the WFP’s largest non-governmental partner for the past 18 years, delivering food assistance to people most in need. 

In partnership with WFP, we:

  • Help distribute foods, specifically chosen for their high nutritional and energy value
  • Provide cash and voucher transfers, empowering people facing food insecurity to prioritize their own needs and buy from local markets
  • Provide cash or food-based transfers that cover immediate food needs to workers who are helping to restore local roads and infrastructure
  • Provide daily meals at schools to combat malnutrition among students, helping them to focus on learning, and lessen the burden on their families
  • Run programs that address and prevent the root issues of malnutrition among the most vulnerable population, particularly young girls and boys, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and those living with HIV 

The impact

In 2023, our programs helped distribute in-kind food assistance to 91,590 people, meeting their immediate survival needs. We also helped 1,147 people receive cash transfers, empowering them to prioritize their needs and buy from their markets, which helps boost local businesses.

Our overall impact in Kenya

A map of Kenya showing several locations where World Vision made an impact. © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map


People participated in savings groups, learned financial skills and gained access to small loans.


Sanitation facilities, including latrines and handwashing stations, were constructed or updated.


Children attended early childhood development centres.

Last updated: September 2023

Everlin’s inspiring story

Our programs in Kenya