Medical professional weighs infant and writes the weight on paper as the mother stands beside her.


Improving children’s health is a critical part of our work. With your help, we can do more to nourish children and mothers, educate communities and help protect the most vulnerable from getting sick or dying from preventable illnesses. 

In 2023, our health and nutrition programs reached 8,795,574 people, over half of whom were children.

A 360° experience

A doctor walks through a health facility in Baidoa, Somalia.

Experience an immersive tour of a health facility in Baidoa, Somalia. 

The health facility is part of an initiative called REACTS-IN (Realizing Gender Equality, Attitudinal Change and Transformative Systems in Nutrition) that aims to improve nutrition and gender equality for marginalized women, adolescent girls and children under the age of five.

Program Expenditures

How our donors choose to help 

Consistency and commitment—the formula for lasting change. Together, through monthly donations and community-led solutions, our work spans across five sectors where impact is needed most. 


We’ve reached millions through our health and nutrition programs and helped communities navigate through every health crisis from famines to the recent global pandemic. 

With your help, more children and families will get support for their ongoing wellbeing, healthcare workers will receive training and counseling, and clinics will be equipped with medicine and supplies to treat common ailments.  

of our overall donations supported health and nutrition programs around the world.


children’s lives are saved every year through our malnutrition treatment programs. That’s an average of 8 children every five hours.  

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  • Education

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When our community grows, so does our impact.

Let's help build a world of opportunities for every child, no matter the location or circumstance.

A girl holding a spoon enjoys her food inside her home.
A young boy raising his hand in a classroom.
A woman standing outdoors carrying a child.
A World Vision staff member measuring a child's arm with a tape to assess nutritional risk.