A child is enjoying eating a ready-to-use therapeutic food packet.

Raw Hope: Our impact

Survive. Recover. Rebuild. That’s how our Raw Hope program helps children and families living in the world’s most volatile places. See our progress in action.

The challenge

The divide between the world’s rich and poor continues to grow—and children are bearing the brunt . To date, 1.9 billion people, including 333 million children, live in countries marked by conflict, instability and poverty. By 2030, it’s expected that two-thirds of the extreme poor will live in fragile contexts—and the majority will be children.

The solution

The numbers are dire, but the situation isn’t hopeless. We’ve invested $192,150,000 into Raw Hope, our program that supports children and families living in the world's most vulnerable places—also known as fragile contexts—as they navigate extreme poverty, chronic instability, conflict and violence every day. Some of the fragile places we work in are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Honduras, South Sudan and Syria. Thanks to our supporters, we’ve made important strides to help children and families survive each day as they struggle with the debilitating barriers that are so prevalent in these countries. 

The impact

We delivered over 2 million doses of life-saving therapeutic food and treated 81,740 children suffering from malnutrition. That’s more children than all the kids under 4 living in Manitoba.

But we don’t just find band-aid solutions to today’s problems—we also work with community members and faith leaders to ensure there’s a better tomorrow for everyone, especially children. In addition to meeting their everyday needs, we’ve also:

  • helped repair relations between communities and the institutions that govern them
  • addressed the structures that create fragility 
  • provided psychosocial support to aid children and families suffering from trauma.

Turning life around in the world’s most dangerous places isn’t easy, but when we all pitch in, it’s possible to make a lasting difference. 

A child’s life is saved every five hours through our malnutrition treatment programs. 

Impact that goes beyond borders

Donations to Raw Hope provide both immediate and long-term support to communities struggling with poverty, hunger, disease and displacement. Our long-standing partnerships with local NGOs and institutions mean your donation will help more people, reach more places and make a bigger impact. 

of our overall donations went to support the most fragile countries. 


children received age-appropriate immunizations to protect them against childhood illnesses.

Donate to Raw Hope

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Survive. When disaster strikes, you’ll help provide crucial life-saving items like food, shelter, clean water and healthcare to help families survive. Help us in feeding the most vulnerable children and their families.

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Recover. You’ll help children recover from trauma through psychosocial programs and child-friendly spaces. 

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Rebuild. You’ll help families and communities restore key infrastructure and rebuild their lives.

Discover more

  • Feed a child. Fuel a childhood

    Fighting to put an end to food insecurity and malnutrition. We have fed 2.8 million bellies each year and continue to transform tummy aches into burps!

    tag Water
    tag Hunger
    tag Health
  • Education

    A good education opens doors to a promising future.

    tag Education
  • Water

    Our programs bring accessible water closer to home, giving kids back their lives.

    tag Water